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HMDAWT: Woman Takes Wedding Photos With A Burrito

From Hold My Drink and Watch This today,  Emma Rene, of Loudoun County, Virginia, recently took wedding pictures with a burrito. Her mom Laura is a professional photographer.

She tells the network: "She looked at me after taking a bite and said, 'I really want to marry this burrito. I would give anything to marry this burrito'. Then, she turned her head kind of creepily and said, 'I know what we're doing next weekend. I have to marry this burrito. I'm in love with him. We have to do a burrito photo shoot. I need it to look like a real wedding'. Shooting an actual wedding, you're always under a time crunch. People at actual weddings tend to be pretty stressed. This wedding was very simple and filled with a lot of strange burrito love and laughter."

The chicken burrito contained guacamole and chipotle hot sauce.