Pet Patrol, Powered by Hill's Pet Nutrition Archives for 2019-10

Found Dog

Your Name - David Epp
Contact Phone - 317-219-8579
Lost or Found - Found
City where the animal was lost or found - Richmond
Details of animal (breed, size, color, name, collar, etc) - Small, black, terrier??, old, john deere collar

Lost Dog

Your Name - Krisann Kincaid
Contact Phone - 7652389699
Lost or Found - Lost
City where the animal was lost or found - Fountain City
Details of animal (breed, size, color, name, collar, etc) - Bullet- Black male German Shepherd with white on his chest, Remington Belgian Shepherd mix brown/tan/black neither will have collars on

Lost Dog

Your Name - James
Contact Phone - 7655613662
Lost or Found - Lost
City where the animal was lost or found - Connersville
Details of animal (breed, size, color, name, collar, etc) - Red nose pitbull, brindle color, his name is Zeus very friendly if seen please call Connersville local animal shelter they have my info on file been gone since 9-23-19 any info helps thanks in advance